Themes and Submission Guidelines

About the PUG

Delving back into history, the PUG, or Pentax Users Gallery, commenced in April 1997 - April 1, in fact. In the early years, the gallery was hosted on publicly available servers (GeoCities) and, for a time those galleries were lost. All galleries (we think!) have now been retrieved, some through the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. There are some gaps in 1997 but it is entirely possible that galleries were not produced in those months. The galleries are available for viewing (use the link on the right hand navigation panel to enjoy a trip back in time!).

From February 1998, the PUG has been hosted by Komkon, sponsored by Frontier Vision Technologies Inc, and that arrangement continues to this day (for which the PDML is extremely grateful).

The PUG is a monthly themed photo gallery and is usually refreshed during the first week of each month - a message is posted to the list when each new gallery is available for viewing.

The current themes and submission guidelines are listed below. The most important factor is that all submissions must have been taken with a Pentax camera or lens. So, a Pentax camera with an Olympus lens is OK, as is an Olympus camera with a Pentax lens. As Scott, a previous PUG-Master, noted - "I know, it's easy enough to take a photo with your silly little Leica and pretend it was taken with an MX, but we'll know. We always know. And if you try it we'll deploy the Brotherhood and then you'll be sorry." So there...

PUG Themes for 2025

  • January Minimalist - completed
  • February On 6 Legs - completed
  • March Just for Laughs - current
  • April Street Music
  • May Sport
  • June Rainbows
  • July 2015 Rainy Days
  • August Historic
  • September Book Title
  • October Self Portrait
  • November Misty
  • December In the Forest

PUG Submission Guidelines

  • In order to submit an entry for the Pentax Users Gallery, please use this submission form. If you are unable to use the submission form, see below for information on manual submission via email.
  • Entries are limited to one photo per photographer per month. If you submit multiple images only the most recent will be included in the PUG. If you submit a photo and then decide that you'd rather not participate, please send an email as soon as possible so that the submission can be removed.
  • The deadline for all galleries is nominally the last day of the month prior to the gallery you wish your image to appear in. However, late submissions may be accepted - basically, if the Submission Form is still active for a particular month, you can still submit for that month.
  • Image Characteristics:
    • Submissions must have been made using Pentax camera equipment. Third party equipment is welcome if it is Pentax compatible, and either the body or lens is Pentax.
    • Filenames must be alpha-numeric characters only and, please, no spaces.
    • Maximum file size is 500kb; JPG format.
    • Maximum image size is 1350 pixels horizontal and 950 pixels vertical. Oversized images will be resized.
    • If you embed a colour space in the image, it should be sRGB to ensure that the image is displayed correctly on line.
    • If you leave Exif information intact in the image, details will be extracted for use in the gallery - but you don't have to if you don't want to.
  • If your submission is successful, you should see a 'Thank You' note on screen, followed by an email indicating that the submission has been received. If you don't receive an email within 24 hours:
    • Check your spam folder (if you submit using Gmail as your email address, the confirmation will almost certainly be in the spam folder).
    • If you still don't see the confirmation, let me know.
  • The PUG is archived. Any images submitted will be archived. By submitting the image, the submitter gives an explicit permission to publish this image in the PUG. including the archive. No other usage of images is agreed upon, nor will be undertaken by the PUG.
  • All images must be the property of the person submitting them. The maintainers reserve the right to decline any submission.

PUG Submission via Email

It is still possible to submit to the PUG via email. Please attach your image (prepared according to the guidelines above) and provide the following additional information (Note: If you leave Exif information intact in the image, details will be extracted for use in the gallery - but you don't have to if you don't want to):

  • Gallery Month
  • Photo Title
  • Your Name
  • Indicate if you want your email address to be displayed with the image
  • Your Web Site or online gallery URL
  • Camera
  • Lens
  • Short details about the photo


Thanks to Igor Roshchin and Komkon, sponsored by Frontier Vision Technologies Inc, for providing space for the Pentax Users Gallery.

Thanks also to past maintainers and/or enablers of the PUG:
Scott Loveless
Adelheid von Kirschten
Jostein Oksne
William Robb
Mark Cassino
Steve Graham
Doug Brewer......
as well as Rob Studdert, Jeff Renner, Bong Manayon, Maney Gomez, Fred Wasti, Robert Batten, Alin Flaider, Tom Van Veen, Sid Barras, Delano Mireles, Flavio Minelli, Gary L. Murphy, Michael Bromm, Yves Caudano, Jan van Wijk.

Brian Walters
February 2025

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